It's That Time Again

Well... Its that time again. 

We are officially starting school on MONDAY! 

I hope this year we will strive to make a difference in  the way we treat and act towards people. I hope we can grow up as Christians who know what is right and will make this year a year to remember. :) 

Lets have fun at school and serve Christ!

What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child. ~George Bernard Shaw


On June 10,11, and 12th we had our first ever football camp! It was so exciting to see how many boys came and how eager they were to learn. They were coached by some of the best, and were definitely pushed. It is amazing to see how far our school has come in just a few years... We have truly been blessed and can't wait to see what god has in store for our school.

So all that to say, good job boys! We are proud of you :)

Volleyball Camp


On July 11th, we will be having our first official volleyball camp!! If you would like to be on the Rancho Christian Middle School or High school team, this is the place for you! You will be coached by our new, amazing volleyball staff and are guaranteed to learn alot. It is from 8-12 AM every morning for 3 weeks. We hope to have a wonderful turnout and continue in this journey of expanding our sports academics.


1 Week- 100$
2 Weeks- 200$
3 Weeks- 250$

For more information, please contact the INFO number on the sign....

Ground Breaking Ceremony

On May 18th we had our very own groundbreaking ceremony! We are beginning the "journey" of creating a football field and are so excited! The students of RCS got to each shovel a handful of dirt symbolizing that this was not only a high school football field but for the whole school. The teachers, students, and parents are all ecstatic to begin this journey and cant wait until it is completed.

A Little Girl...

If I could summarize my middle school experience in one word it would be GROWTH...
  I went from a little girl that knew nothing about this world to a young woman who knows what she wants to do with her life and what she wants to become. I went through struggles and hardships especially in my 7th grade year that totally changed my life.

All along Christ had a plan and I just needed to trust Him. If I could do some things over I would. I would be kinder, more loving and more patient. I was too involved in pleasing this world that I lost sight of what God wants me to be…
            God has called me to be something soooo much more then what this world says I should be. My desire and my hope for this life is to be a woman Christ would be proud of. One full of character and integrity. One who encourages, one who uplifts, and one who has a deep faith for Christ.
Middle school is hard, but not impossible. It could be the best experience for you if you remember a few things, pray a ton, and always strive to live for Christ. Some things I would recommend to know going into middle school is….. J

      1)Work hard in everything you do..
       2)    Know ahead how hard it will be. Expect things to not work out or to get hurt but never EVER give up! 
     3)  Be confident in yourself.. Know how wonderfully and beautifully Christ has made you.. Never doubt it.
   4) People will be mean. Keep your head up high and show them that the only opinion that should matter is Gods. Those who do love you for who you are wont make those kind of comments.
   5)      STAY STRONG… Love life and make the best of your  circumstances..                   
6)      Be nice. J
 7)       Love ALL! I know its soooo hard but if you can love everyone, people will know that your different. They will respect you and look up to you
8)      ENJOY… Enjoy this stage of life Christ has given you. Remember that He does ALL things for good.. He loves you and wants to help you become someone you and Him can both be proud of..
9)      Make good, strong Christian friends who will encourage and help you make the RIGHT decisions.
10)   Realize the importance of the choices you make now. So many people think that they can do whatever they want now because we’re still young and we have the rest of our life to be good. No!!!! The decisions that we make NOW will affect us our whole life!  


HE LOVES YOU..... :)

New Blog Sign!!

As you see we have a new blog title! I was SO excited to share this with you all and hope you all love it!

Be blessed and never ever forget this: Even amidst the trials and struggles God is moving and working in your life. He has a plan and we must cling to that and never forget it. :) 

He loves each and every one of you and wants you to trust Him. Trust that no matter what he loves you.