Spiritual Emphasis Week

I am SO excited to share this post with all of you! Next week we are having our first ever spiritual emphasis week!!! ASB has worked so hard to make this a week to reflect, to think, and to pray. We want all of our focuses to be on one thing and one thing only. That one thing is God. Our minds, hearts, and souls should be totally sold out for Christ and we want to encourage you through this. Their will be struggles, their will be hardhsips, but through it all God is always there.

He is the one who gives you hope and a future :) He loves you and will only do good for you. He wants to help you and not hurt you. Even though you may think he has left you or abandoned you remember this, God loves you. Always and forever.. Unchanging and unmovable..

So all that to say we want to encourage you in your walk with Christ and make it fun! We have planned a series of activities to do throughout the week such as decorating t-shirts, prayer walks, amazing worship, speakers, and a scavenger hunt. We hope you all have a blast and learn a thing or two about God and your relationship with Christ. Our theme for the week will be the fruits of the Spirit. We can't wait and hope you have a wonderful time too!!

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