This Week

This week has been absolutely amazing. It has encouraged the school, the kids, the teachers, and God. We all got at least something out of spiritual emphasis week and have had fun doing it. We got to do prayer walks, t-shirts, writing, journaling, and eating. :) God is clearly doing something in our generation and its sooo fun to see it happening. Each of us has been impacted by God or will be in an incredible way. We are just so thankful for all He has done for us and is doing.

Yes, we will struggle and we will fall but thats what makes us even more grateful to have the love and mercy of God, constantly pouring over our sins. Overflowing on us... Consuming us in His glory. We are His children and He is WORTHY of our praise and adoration. Worthy of our commitment to Him. Worthy of living our lives sold out for Christ. He is the vine and we are his branches. Let's do something amazing for Him...

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