
We all hurt. We all feel pain. We all sin. Its part of our nature.... 

Their comes a time in our life where we laugh and smile and everything feels perfect. 

Then their are those times where you cry and hurt and everything feels like its falling apart. 

But through it all God is here for you... He loves you. He cares for you. He is supporting you and helping you through it all. 

He came for you.. He came to take your sins, your fears, your hurts. He is doing something in your life, in the good times and the bad times. 

Through the darkest of moments he works the most. He uses our darkness to shine His light in us. He uses us in ways we could never imagine. 

So all this to say... Don't give up when times get tough. Christ is always here.. Loving you, comforting you, and supporting you.

Let Him help. Trust Him... and you will be rewarded :)

Never doubt in His power and what He can do in your life. 

Be blessed...


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