
Jealousy is something we all struggle with.

Not one of us goes a day without feeling insecure, jealous, upset, or hurt.

Our life is a roller coaster :) We have good days and bad days. We sometimes love and we sometimes fight. We smile and we cry but we need to remember what is important in this life. Our life is not our own but something God has gifted us and wants us to use for His purpose.

We get so caught up in worries and jealousy when we need to remember what really matters. Are we really willing to complain and worry about the little things of this world when our Lord Jesus Christ died for us?? When He freely took on the sins of this world to save us??

For me, my problems don't seem that bad anymore. When I compare the things I worry about and the things I get jealous of to God's sacrifice... Wow.. It just changes my thinking.

We are so easily caught up in the things of this world and of ourselves that we so easily forget all that Christ has done for us.

So jealousy should be the least of our worries. But its not! I know I struggle with it every day but that's no excuse. I should be forever grateful with what God has blessed me with in my life. To thank him for all he has done and has given me :) And I'm sooo grateful for everything. I know I don't tell it to people in my life enough but I am. I truly am grateful...
So lets not be jealous. Lets live lives that Christ would be pleased and honored by. Lets make Him proud and be grateful for the things He has blessed us with. Lets put our worries and our fears in Him and trust that He is working in our lives...

Lets Live For Him.... 

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